Saturday, August 15, 2009

Breeding Demo

Alright here it is! This is just a little demo that generates 2 random genomes (currently at over 100 base pairs), reads it, shows you what kind of horse those genes make, and then it breeds those two horses and shows you what kind of baby those horses would have! It randomly selects one allele from each parent, just like in real life, so remember the foal you see is just one of thousands that those parents could generate. To randomly generate more parents and see more horses, just refresh the page.


Given that the genes are generated completely randomly in this demo, you see a much higher percentage of greys, unusual colors, and high sabino factors (white) here than you will in the game. Also, the only pictures that are done are for those at racing age/racing condition right now. There will be another set of foal pictures and a set of breeding-age pictures in the game.


lucky said...

Ooh, me and my friend spent hours just refreshing and refreshing. It was fun. Are the paint horses going to be on the actual game? I didn't know Thoroughbreds could be some of those colors, lol.

I think this is really cool (and fun!), and I also love the artwork! Can't wait for the game! Are you guys gonna release other details, like more about the actual game play soon?

Keep up the great work!

lucky said...

Hey guys! Are there any updates on the game? Keep up the awesome work!